What is Plastic Surgery?
Plastic surgery is a specialized area of medical science focused on the physical modification of a patient's appearance via medical and cosmetic techniques. Plastic surgery is reconstructive in nature and can be done on virtually all regions of the human body. Many people are surprised to find out that plastic surgeons actually perform the very surgery they claim to be able to perform!
Patients who have undergone any form of cosmetic surgery, even the most minor procedures, are often surprised to find that their surgeon did not perform the procedures in question. Some patients are even shocked to find that their surgeon did not perform the very procedures that they had elective surgeries performed for them. It is important that patients fully understand what is Plastic Surgery before they allow a surgeon to perform any procedures on their body.
Cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, though similar in many ways, is actually quite different. While both involve the art of changing one or more aspects of a person's body, the exact procedures and results will vary greatly between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Knowing what is Plastic Surgery before you make an appointment with a cosmetic surgeon is absolutely necessary to ensure that you choose a doctor that is qualified to perform the procedures that you are interested in.
Many patients become very confused by the questions that they are usually asked during a consultation. Patients ask such questions as "what is plastic surgery", "how is it done", "what does the recovery involve", and "how much will this procedure cost me?" These are very common and everyday questions, and there is no right answer to these questions. As long as you are willing to ask and answer these questions, your cosmetic surgeon should be able to give you an accurate and honest answer to any of these questions.
The most popular cosmetic surgery procedures are breast augmentation, tummy tucks, facelifts, liposuction, and laser hair removal. These procedures can be extremely effective to change the way that you look, but they are not miracle surgeries. If you have unrealistic expectations for the outcome of these procedures, it is likely that you will not achieve the desired results.
Another type of procedure that is very popular is the overnight stay. Overnight stays are used for patients that have severely injured their body during an accident or illness or have an accident that requires them to be bedridden for a period of time. During the overnight stay, the Plastic Surgeon will use special surgical garments and tools to carefully remove and replace damaged or missing skin. Once the patient is released from the hospital the doctor will show the patient how to care for their new appearance and continue to use the correct methods of caring for the body during their recovery period.
Liposuction is another popular surgical procedure that is done in an overnight surgical facility. In this procedure, the surgeon uses a suction device that is designed to pull the fat out of the target area by creating small incisions. This type of Cosmetic Surgery requires multiple sittings in a surgical facility. Many patients require more than one procedure in order to successfully achieve the final look and results that they want. A good surgeon should help patients determine what the best course of action is for their individual situation and recommend the best product for their needs.
Every patient is different and has different reasons for Seeking Treatment. Some patients may have a need for corrective lenses. Other patients may be looking to improve their appearance because they feel unattractive or unappealing. Whichever reason motivates a patient to seek out plastic surgery procedures, it is always important that the patient is comfortable with their surgeon. Many patients feel better having their eyes examined by someone who looks like their family or who has similar skin and hair characteristics as they do.
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